Beyond Blue | Mainbrace
May 2022
MbRACE is our community program launched last year. In our first year of the program, as a company we decided to focus on Mental Health. In NSW, Beyond Blue has been our charity of choice and so far we have raised over $65,000 to aid in their mission of support, advice and action for those suffering with anxiety and depression.
This morning, we hosted a morning tea in our NSW, QLD and VIC offices and were honoured to have Richard Duncan attend as a guest speaker from Beyond Blue. Richard spoke about his journey of hope, recovery and resilience living with a mental illness. He was inspiring and moving and gave our employees a deeper understanding of the impact of mental illness and the help that charities like Beyond Blue can provide.
MbRACE will continue its work in the mental health space and we will keep providing our employees with opportunities to hear from the charities we have aligned to. This will enable them to get a better understanding of the work they do and the lives they change.
We will also ensure they are always reminded to check in with themselves and each other.